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Tanzania camping safari

Erschwingliche Camping-Safari in Tansania

Tansania Camping-Safari-Pakete

Wir bieten Camping-Safaris an, eine Gelegenheit, in die Natur einzutauchen, während Sie in Ihrem Zelt übernachten, dem Brüllen der Löwen beim Essen und dem Lachen der Hyänen über Essensreste zu lauschen. Unser erfahrener Koch und Safari-Guide sorgen für ein unvergessliches Erlebnis.

Ihr privater Koch bereitet nicht nur Ihre Mahlzeiten zu, sondern kümmert sich auch um den Zeltaufbau, sodass Ihre Safari problemlos verläuft. Sie müssen sich keine Sorgen um Verpflegung oder Unterkunft machen; Wir kümmern uns um alles. Wir liefern die gesamte Campingausrüstung, einschließlich Schlafsäcke, Zelte, Matratzen, Kissenbezüge und Bettwäsche.

Camping-Safaris sind im Norden Tansanias beliebter, der den Serengeti-Nationalpark, den Ngorongoro-Krater, den Lake Manyara, die Tarangire-Nationalparks sowie die Nationalparks Arusha und Kilimandscharo umfasst. Im südlichen Teil bieten wir den Nyerere-Nationalpark, den Mikumi-Nationalpark, den Ruaha-Nationalpark und den Udzungwa-Mountain-Nationalpark an.

Für sichere, qualitativ hochwertige und erschwingliche Camping-Safaris in Tansania wählen Sie Travel Wise Safari als Ihren bevorzugten Reiseveranstalter.

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Camping-Safari-Erlebnis in Tansania

What should I expect on a Tanzania camping safari?

On a Tanzania camping safari, you'll embark on an authentic adventure amidst the African bush, immersing yourself in nature like never before. Typically, you'll explore either the Northern or Southern safari circuit, setting up camp within or near the parks included in your itinerary. A skilled cook will handle meal preparations, conjuring up delightful dishes despite limited facilities. While you may assist in pitching tents, our team is always available to lend a hand. The campsite serves as your base for thrilling game drives into the park.


A typical day on safari begins with an early wake-up call, followed by a dawn game drive to witness predator activity. You'll return to camp for brunch and a brief respite during the midday heat before venturing out on afternoon drives or other activities. Some days may entail full-day adventures with packed lunches. While travel times between parks on the Northern circuit are relatively short, expect longer drives if exploring the south. However, scenic views along the route ensure the journey is never dull.

What facilities are available at Tanzanian campsites?

Public campsites within national parks offer basic amenities such as ablution blocks, cooking areas, and limited power supply. Operators may provide additional equipment based on the camping tour level, including dining tents and lighting. Camping within parks offers unparalleled wildlife encounters and immersive nature experiences, complete with nocturnal animal sounds echoing through the night. Private campsites outside parks tend to offer better facilities, such as restaurants, shops, and improved ablution facilities, albeit with a less rustic atmosphere.

Are campsites fenced in Tanzania?

Public campsites within national parks are unfenced, allowing wildlife to roam freely. While predators typically keep their distance during the day, nocturnal visits from various creatures are common. However, most campsites have resident animals accustomed to human presence. Private campsites outside parks are typically fenced, making them suitable for travelers with young children.

What are the pros and cons of a Tanzania camping safari?

A Tanzania camping safari offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with nature and save on costs compared to lodge safaris. Camping within parks provides a unique and immersive experience, with campfires and animal noises enhancing the adventure. Reputable operators ensure a comfortable camping setup, but those who prefer solid accommodations may find camping challenging. Additionally, setting up and breaking down camp can be time-consuming, and some travelers may prefer the convenience of lodges.

Is it possible to mix camping and alternative accommodations?

Yes, many camping safaris offer a mix of camping and alternative accommodations, such as guesthouses or hotels. Some safaris begin and end with hotel stays to ease travel fatigue, while others incorporate alternative accommodations near certain parks. This flexibility allows travelers to experience camping in the bush while enjoying the comforts of traditional lodging when desired.

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